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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Publicity is a fickle mistress

Getting yourself noticed isn't really all that fun - it involves a lot of putting yourself out there, and doing a lot of things you aren't all that proud of. Like nominating yourself for an award.

Oh, who would do such a thing...

Anyways, this blog is fairly new, but I am rather proud of the content - I feel like it's well researched, topical, in depth, etc., etc.

So how to get readers? Latching yourself onto bigger blogs works nicely (REMORA EFFECT!) - the ol' posting comments and linking back to your blog. The awards work nicely too - while it's not huge, at least a few readers will find you, and that's a start, at least.

What's my point... Oh yeah - you see those award buttons on the right side? Follow the link, and vote for my blog! You have to sign up, but it's free - and if you tell me, I don't mind voting for your blog either / trading links. I'm too impatient to wait for readers when going and getting some seems like a better use of my time.

P.S.: YES, I will get around to writing a full article "concept" blog soon. It takes around a week to aggregate enough news, links, etc. to do a full post, but to be honest, it bugs me if I spend too much time only doing little soundbites.


  1. Wow, a well developed blog Kevin! The Haiku is interesting =D I like the 'Survival of the fittest.. but what if they're noobs'
