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Sunday, February 8, 2009


This is a really interesting article by The Independent.

I won't go much into what I think about aXXo or the concept of web piracy, but there are 2 comments I'd like to make:
  1. The stuff at the bottom, about the improvements made to a company as a result of online piracy, is rather interesting to think about
  2. It's incredible aXXo managed to get so big without ever revealing who he /she /they are, and that they managed to write an article this long about what is essentially an unknown person.
I was going to post something else as an update, but honestly, aXXo is pretty big online - he /she /they deserve their own post. Why these "fans" of his want to find out who he is is puzzling to me, though - if his anonymity was ever compromised, he'd have to stop doing what he's doing.

...oh, I guess this is a follow up. Umm, I guess it relates to this.


  1. I like the new header!
    Mmm Interesting...It's a wonder how the aXXo creater has managed to remain unidentified for that long, especially since aXXo is so well known too.

  2. Part of it is probably that he doesn't call attention to himself. It's REALLY hard, because once you start getting famous on the internet, you start wanting to take the credit for it - I guess if you're REALLY diligent, you can go the entire time online never using your real name.

    Then there's the issue of tracking IP Addresses. The article states that he's likely not American, since if he was, he'd probably be traced through his IP. That means he's probably in a country that doesn't log IP addresses (such as Canada, or in Europe). Either that, or he's using an IP scrambler, which would be a surprise to me.
