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Friday, May 22, 2009

Wolfin' it Down

Wolfram|Alpha is fun~

Now to go search random words and marvel at it's disambiguation attempts. It's still really incomplete (a lot of questions just confuse it) but it seems to do really well if you're only searching for a single word. Can't quite handle phrases yet.

And really, programming long strings can be difficult. It's a big step up though - if anybody has ever tried the Adobe Read out loud feature (it sometimes pronounces Money as "M-Onny" - I'd link to Adobe's explanation of it, but the site is down, go figure...) or played the video game "Lifeline", or played any text adventure games, (e.g. Violet, a multiple award winner for text based adventure games, or the runner up, Lost Pig), you know how crazy hard it is to get a program that actually comprehends what a person wants...


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